Implementation of a Peer Support Program for Campus First Responders

The implementation of Peer Support is one step CUSERT has taken towards improving mental health support for campus first responders.

Naloxone Training and Distribution Program in an Urban Collegiate Setting

MERT worked with physicians from Penn Medicine’s Emergency Department to develop a 1-1.5 hour bystander naloxone training curriculum.

The Relative Importance of Vital Signs in Campus-Based Emergency Services

This study examined the vital signs of patients of the University of Texas at Dallas' BLS response team and compared them to established standards of upgrading to ALS.

Assessing the Adequacy of Behavioral Health Training for Collegiate EMTs

This study aimed to assess EMT self-reported preparedness for behavioral emergencies and to compare behavioral call experience to preparedness.

Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability as Indicators of Stress in Emergency Medicine Residents...

The authors measured stress-induced heart rate and heart rate variability of emergency medicine residents during a pulseless electrical activity cardiac arrest scenario.

Promoting Youth Emergency Preparedness through Lifesaving Emergency Skill Workshops

Members of Harvard CrimsonEMS expanded outreach to high-school students to create a more medically-literate youth community.

Development of a Mass Gathering Medicine Training Program for Novice Collegiate EMS Providers

New training and protocols have promoted better team dynamics, higher staff confidence, and more efficient patient care.


Opioid and Alcohol Co-Ingestion

Although college campuses have historically been regarded as a protective influence against the development of substance use disorders, substance use and misuse have risen to become one of the most widespread public health concerns facing U.S. college campuses in the past decade. This article discusses pertinent pharmacology, clinical presentations, and treatment guidelines for co-ingestion of alcohol and opioids.

Improvements in the Self-Efficacy of CPR Performance Following a Brief Hands-only Training Program for...

Bystander CPR has been shown to significantly improve survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), yet rates of bystander CPR remain low across the United States. This paper outlines a brief HOCPR training that was successfully implemented by a collegiate-based EMS agency.

Ambulance Usage on a Collegiate Campus as a Function of Age and Gender

Bradshaw et al. attempt determine if age and gender exert significant influence on a patient’s decision to utilize ambulatory transport to the emergency department.